The stated reason for existence of this website is, "Exploring evidence of seminal, sempiternal, and advanced civilization in California's Gold Rush country and beyond ". The pursuit of such evidence is not as straightforward as one might hope, owing to the absence of any recognizable records from the truly ancient ancestors and prior occupants of planet Earth. Who knows what had been here that has been gone for countless ages? There are clues everywhere, in fact, but they are not generally discovered neatly bound in a fine gilded case with a nice bow, just waiting to be found. Never.
The only thing that stands the true test of time is stone. Stone is what survives the tectonic shifts, the floods, the wars, and the comet strikes. A great and recent example of this was the discovery of Göbekli Tepe, in Turkey. The conflict that spread over the professional and academic archaeological folks when Göbekli Tepe was found to have artifacts that carbon dated to a time prior to the end of the last ice age was almost as spectacular as the logic acrobatics that were supplied by the academics as they tried to square the notion of "hunter/gatherers" with no wheel, no written language and very primitive thoughts swimming through their protruding frontal lobes (of the ancient inhabitants of Göbekli Tepe, not the archaeologists) and so forth were responsible for this site containing those magnificent T-shaped pillars with art festooning every surface. It was almost comical to see the television programming on the topic, as thousands of college textbooks became instantly and permanently obsolete and a state of denial was firmly clung to by so many elbow padded and bespectacled professors who necessarily had to re-calibrate their entire world view over the truth and the implications.
Thus is the nature of evidence that challenges ones assumptions and established anchor points that secure our collective and individual grips on what we deem to be "reality". It isn't always... comfortable to face new data that is undeniably real and is just as undeniably a confrontation to our previously held beliefs and well established interpretations of the world we live in.
That's the evidence we're interested in... exclusively.
Intentionally artful and technically complex methods were observably employed to form these artifacts and remnants found in a stone wall on a California ranch.
As noted elsewhere on this website, the Butte ruins have a lot to reveal about Earth's most enigmatic and ancient of populations. Some of Butte's best beauts warrant additional analysis and extra emphasis.
Largely unnoticed , the State of California has vast and hidden stone wall networks of unknown (and perhaps unresearched) origin. Of coure, pioneers of the gold rush era are responsible for some of these, but surely not for the walls that go on for miles and miles and are isolated in the wide, unpopulated expanses.
At Red Mule Ranch, there is a stone wall that was assembled from available stones sourced in the surrounding acreage during the 1970's. There are stones of every variety in the wall, but some of them are real stand-outs and for a variety of reasons.
Wall Stone #1 was found in this wall and it is most peculiar indeed. Clearly, it had a rock basis, but somehow there has been material added to create the carefully formed appearance it has even to this day. What does the pattern signify? Like so many patterns found in nature, there is a distinct familiarity to it all as well as an absence of randomness... but nothing specific. There is material that has a consistency of very fine limestone, but colored and seemingly added as to make the shape we see now. There are many stones that appear to have gone through a similar transformation in the name of art or architectural enhancement.
Wall Stone #2 is the largest stone among several that seem to feature some sort of script or hieroglyphics. Of course, without any cultural context, historic record, or prior example, it is hard to say for certain just what it could possibly mean. This stone had no additional material associated with it, nor any square edges to indicate where in its placement it may have fallen. There are a few enhanced photos for spectrum analysis in the slideshow below.
Page still under construction.
In the slideshow below, an image highlighting two slots that were either formed or cut into the stone seem to have had a mechanical function. Even though the stone is somewhat weathered, one can still see that this remnant is likely some form of intentional art on an architectural scale. The second image highlights some of the decorative work done before time rendered the stone entirely camouflaged by moss, oxidation, and the effects of solar radiation.
The next set of images include of a pair of statuesque items that are still standing near what seems to be the remnant of a large structure which share some characteristics with other temple adornments found on the other side of the world (also pictured here for comparison).
Highlighted features on Butte Mountain ruins. Jackson, California
The highlighted features from Butte Mountain in Jackson are reminiscent of decorative adornments seen in other ancient structures. Specifically, the Preah Vihear Temple in Cambodia has a few unexpected things in common with the ruins here.
As if turned about 90° on its side, the similarity is apparent to even casual observation. The Cambodian Preah Vihear Temple (above) has a floor plan that is shared by ancient temples found worldwide.
Preah Vihear Images remix of:
File:Temple of Preah Vihear-129338.jpg
From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository
Original provided by UNESCO
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This stone is another example of stones and bedrock that has a layer of a cement-like substance which was used for the purpose of decorating. Like the other examples, much of te cement has been damaged through the unknown ages, but still one can see that these stones were carefully treated and scribed in deep antiquity.
This unusual thing was found during a late night stroll with an ultraviolet flashlight. However this is an ordinary photo but with applied contrast to separate the pale/green bits a little better. That is a live-oak leaf in the lower left corner of the stone (for size reference). This stone probably could fit in your hand. It remains in the exact place it was found, right next to some other very interesting bits of cosmic evidence, which seem to be all over the place, everywhere in the world.
These two were found near each other and appear to be decorated ceramic. The decorated layer of material has the surface feel of leather or paper and is very thin and relatively fragile on an also thin layer of a kind of cement/artificial stone that shatters very easily. The depth of roots and vegetation that these were found in was considerable, as you may see from the photos here.
This stone is an example of artfully modified rock . Modified by adding a cement like material with a change in appearance, presumably, as the purpose. The lighter material on this stone is all artificial and with apparent intent on behalf of the ancient artisan.
This was found in an area that mirrored the pattern featured on the stone, as you can see below in the comparative slides.
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