At this time, there is an animation or a video loop that greets folks that visit Ancient Amador Gold, but it isn't the only graphic that has adorned the home page. At the risk of bloviating beyond the attention span of, well, nearly everyone... a small elaboration on the topic for the few who will be curious. The video portfolio below is a nice introduction of technique and content for Persistent Organic Moss works.
Whilst setting up this website, there was much to consider regarding the imagery that would be placed up front because, like it or not, folks tend to formulate interest (or not) based on the most forefront data the senses can provide. In the case of a website , the homepage imagery is most obvious and the best chance to make a great first impression. Ancient Amador is full to the brim with images, and although there is much to choose from, which is best to define the website in a single image? It's a trick question, because of the widely varying points of interest within the site. So there is an ever-expanding carousel of cover art, photographs, and video etc. that represent the content of the website on the "cover", the homepage.
Also there have been memes (and the like) generated for Ancient Amador over the years. It's all been saved and lives in the gallery that follows.
Video portfolio No. 1 from P.O.M.
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