In the Photographic Anomalies section of this website, there is a justification for displaying the images found within its galleries. Perhaps an explanation for a page called Encounters is warranted as well. There is much hesitation to displaying these for a variety of reasons, but the time has apparently come.
Firstly: above photo by R. Mehan
Secondly: It is not Ancient Amador's primary purpose to confront the question of extradimensional and/or extraterrestrial life, but the topic has risen organically through the research. It is our stated purpose to explore the evidence of ancient civilizations in Amador County and the surrounding area.
It is the opinion of this site that the anomalous photography and the unusual behavior of materials and of light apparent therein are likely the resultant effect of the presence and current activity of the living source(s) of the ancient evidence (the research for which Ancient Amador was founded).
We're not physicists of any kind at Ancient Amador and our explanation here is a layman's effort. Until a more official term can be found, we're going with one of our creation. The cross-dimensional harmonic actuation of regular matter (C.H.A.R.M.) effect will be understood best through (and is perhaps derivative of) quantum mechanics/physics, an area of science that is only recently being researched in earnest. As complex as it may sound, the CHARM effect can be observed and identified very easily. It is when the matter in our visible dimension is accommodating to extra-dimensionally present matter/stimuli by assuming the approximate shape and three dimensional area where there is mutual spacial occupation. For example, the grass on a hillside would assume the form of extra-dimensionally present object(s) that are in the same space like a footprint of a large invisible foot that is in that space at that time.
CHARM can be effective on x,y, and z axis and potentially affect density in some solids as well as a shifting of photons (visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light), further enabling a form of virtual invisibility. The Sun illuminates extradimensional items differently than it would normal air and/or material. The effects on photons (light) are generally only discernible through photography or other means of technologically augmented observation.
Also, there is a "feeling" one gets in the presence of CHARM that is singularly identifiable. Once one encounters CHARM, one never forgets.
(ed: The acronym, CHARM was devised here to satisfy the need to articulate the effect which it describes. - APRIL 2020 Ancient Amador)
There has been some theoretical and detailed work in a related area of quantum physics (pertaining to dark matter), for those who wish to see some research from a credentialed source. (Links are functional and will open a new window) ------------->
The link to the work of Cornell University's M. E. Kahill and T. Harko is here as well as citation pertaining to their journal publication (re: Extra-Dimensional Effect and Dark Matter).
@article{KAHIL_2009, title={IS DARK MATTER AN EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL EFFECT?}, volume={24}, ISSN={1793-6632}, url {http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0217732309028667 }, DOI {10.1142/s0217732309028667}, number={09}, journal={Modern Physics Letters A}, publisher={World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt}, author={KAHIL, M. E. and HARKO, T.}, year={2009}, month={Mar}, pages={667–682}
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